UCSF Celebrates Diversity Month

By Paul Day | UCSF.edu | October 01, 2014

HDFCCC Member Rena Pasick among the four recipients of this year's Chancellor Diversity Award, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award for Diversity

UC San Francisco celebrates the diversity of its campus community during Diversity Month, with events held throughout the month of October. This year’s theme is “Building Community at UCSF."

“This is a wonderful time for the UCSF community to come together and celebrate its rich ethnic, cultural, and social diversity,” said Renee Navarro, PharmD, MD, vice chancellor of Diversity and Outreach. “I look forward to working with the campus and medical center in this opportunity to honor UCSF’s commitment to equity and inclusivity.”

Highlights of the month include film screenings at San Francisco General Hospital and UCSF, Block Party 8 at Mission Bay, Health Disparities Research Symposium VIII, and the First Annual Joint Community Partnerships Celebration between UCSF and San Francisco State University.

This year UCSF will honor 13 diversity champions at the 2014 Chancellor Diversity Awards on October 30. These outstanding individuals are leaders, activists and pioneers in their respective fields and to the communities in which they serve.

Read more at UCSF.edu