Medical care in adolescents and young adult cancer survivors: what are the biggest access-related barriers?

Author List
Keegan TH, Tao L, DeRouen MC, Wu XC, Prasad P, Lynch CF, Shnorhavorian M, Zebrack BJ, Chu R, Harlan LC, Smith AW, Parsons HM, AYA HOPE Study Collaborative Group
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Keegan TH, Tao L, DeRouen MC, Wu XC, Prasad P, Lynch CF, Shnorhavorian M, Zebrack BJ, Chu R, Harlan LC, Smith AW, Parsons HM, AYA HOPE Study Collaborative Group. Medical care in adolescents and young adult cancer survivors: what are the biggest access-related barriers? J Cancer Surviv. 2014 Jun; 8(2):282-92.