Sweet Potato and Carrot Smoothie

By Laura Enssle | April 13, 2021

sweet potato carrot smoothie


Ingredients Substitution Ideas
2 Tablespoons olive oil Canola or avocado oil
1/2 cup diced onion Shallots, 2 cloves garlic, fennel
1/2 cup peeled, diced sweet potatoes Butternut squash, pumpkin, beets
1/2 cup peeled, diced carrots Parsnips, celeriac or celery root
1/2 teaspoon salt Mrs Dash
1 cup tofu Garbanzo beans, serving of protein powder + 2 Tbsp water
2 cups vegetable broth Soymilk or other plant-based milk, dairy milk
Lemon juice (optional, leave out if you have mouth sores) Apple cider vinegar (optional, leave out if you have mouth sores)

**To add extra calories and creaminess, add 1 Tbsp of a nut butter like almond butter or 1/4 avocado right before pureeing.


  1. Add the oil to the soup pot on medium-high and heat for 1 minute.
  2. Pour in the onions and salt. Stir and let cook for 2 minutes. If you are using garlic, cook for 15 seconds only.
  3. Add the sweet potatoes and carrots; stir everything together. Turn down to medium heat, cover with a lid and let it cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Add the tofu (or beans if using) and stir. If you are using protein powder, do not add it yet.
  5. Add the stock (or milk) and let it come to a boil. Turn down to low and cover with a lid.
  6. Cook on low for 30 minutes or until the potatoes and carrots are completely tender.
  7. Puree all ingredients plus your protein powder (if using). Make sure you only fill your blender half-way, cover tightly and drape a towel over the blender to prevent hot liquid from splashing out. Add the lemon juice if desired and stir in. Adjust with more salt if needed.

Nutrition facts without add-ons: Serves 1, Calories: 711, Protein: 38 g, Sodium: 1556 mg

Recipe developed by Laura Enssle, UCSF Dietetic Intern