
New Targeted Chemotherapy Technology Proves Effective in Mice

UC San Francisco researchers have developed a new variety of targeting system for chemotherapy drugs based on the unusually high free iron content of many cancer cells — distinct from the protein-bound iron that is common throughout the body’s cells. In experiments in mice and cancer cell lines, the

Before the Cures: Preventing Cancer

In the summer of 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that cancer had surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death in California and 21 other states. The news was particularly distressing given increased awareness that “Up to half of cancers could be avoided if we

Adolescent Perceptions about Smoking Have Changed Over Decade

California adolescents perceive smoking cigarettes to be riskier – and less socially acceptable – than they did a dozen years ago, according to a new study that comes amid a changing tobacco product landscape. Fewer youth plan to smoke or think smoking makes them look mature, reported the study by

Mutant Protein Linked to Spread of Lung Cancer within the Body

The ability of lung tumor cells to spread rapidly within the body makes lung cancer difficult to eradicate and contributes to its status as the leading cause of U.S. cancer deaths in both men and women. But according to a new study led by UC San Francisco scientists, the cancer’s ability to spread

Broad New Partnership Launches Plan to Reduce Cancer in San Francisco

Cancer is the leading cause of death in San Francisco and costs patients, families and taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Seeing an opportunity to change this, a group that includes UC San Francisco (UCSF), the City and County of San Francisco, the San Francisco Department of

For Children With Brain Tumors, Next-Generation Sequencing May Lead to Different Diagnoses

Next-generation sequencing for patients at UCSF Medical Center is prompting changes in brain tumor diagnoses for some children and a retooling of treatment plans in many cases. Sequencing is also providing valuable insights to some parents about their own susceptibility to other seemingly unrelated

UCSF Health and John Muir Health to Expand Cancer Care Collaboration

“Together, we can offer patients care across a continuum of services and help them navigate their individual medical needs,” said Alan Ashworth, PhD, president of the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. “They will have access to specialists in both health systems, an extensive