Shawn Hervey-Jumper, MD
Associate Professor in Residence, Neurological Surgery, UCSF
Associate Professor in Residence, Neurological Surgery, UCSF
Dr. Shawn Hervey-Jumper is a neurosurgeon with subspecialty focus on neuro-oncology. His clinical practice is focused on the surgical management of patients with brain cancer within functional areas using physiological mapping. Dr. Hervey-Jumper's research focuses on the mechanisms by which intrinsic brain tumors, such as low- and high-grade gliomas, interface with neural networks and how repair of these networks impacts cognition. Though the survival of some may be short, it is increasingly understood that many glioma patients will survive for years with extensive language, motor, and cognitive disabilities that impact the quality of their lives. Despite the prevailing assumption that gliomas represent an ablative process, we now know that interactions between glioma cells and the neuronal microenvironment influence tumor growth, invasiveness, and potentially cognition. In his research laboratory he uses neurophysiology in order to address questions in human cognition as well as tumor-network dynamics.
Oakwood College, Huntsville, AL, B.S., 05/2001, Biology
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, M.D., 06/2006,Medicine
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Internship, 06/2007, Transitional
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Research Fellowship, 01/2012, Neuro-Oncology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Resident, 06/2012, Neurosurgery
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Chief Resident, 06/2013, Neurosurgery
University of California San Francisco, SF, CA, Clinical Fellowship, 06/2014, Neuro-Oncology