Research Summary
William Hyun is an expert in the field of cytometry, specialized in the technical areas of flow cytometry and cell sorting, confocal and digital microscopy, high-content and high-throughput screening, in vivo small animal imaging, encoded array systems, biomarkers and bioinformatics. Hyun has worked in the field of cytometry for more than twenty-five (25) years, nineteen (19) years as Director of the Laboratory for Cell Analysis (LCA). In 2014, Hyun initiated and was appointed Director of the Laboratory for Advanced Cytometry (LAC) and Director of the Sony Biotechnology Center in the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Hyun has past appointments in the Biomedical Sciences (BMS) and Tetrad Graduate Programs, Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Affiliate Scientist appointments at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) and UC Berkeley (UCB). The LAC and Sony Biotechnology Center are focused on translating research science into the clinical cytology and pathology labs. Technology translation includes assay validation, development of CLIA/FDA approval processes, QC/QA procedures, automation and robotics, reimbursement coding, data handling, multiparametric data analysis and advanced presentation of results.
Other technology areas include development of nanochips for soluble microanalysis and microfluidic chips for genomic and cytometric assays. The first effort in cellular bar coding resulted in the formation of a commercial company, Vitra Biosciences. Other efforts include encoded micro-fabricated chips, commercialized by True Materials, a startup housed in the UCSF QB3 Incubator and eventually purchased by Affymetrix. Another program has been investigating the use of bioscaffolds and molecular assembly along with 3D bio-printing for use in cytometric assays for stem cell engraftment, directional cell growth, surgical repair, and organoids for high content imaging assays like cellular invasion, migration and maturation studies. Some of this work is now commercialized by Fibralign Corporation. Working with the UCSF Abate lab, new partitioning technologies are being implemented for refined multiplex genomic and proteomic analysis at the single cell and single molecule level. Three commercial companies, Mission Bio, Scribe Bio and Fluent Biosciences, were founded to commercialize UCSF IP. Other developmental projects include mass spec flow and mass image cytometry, buoyancy bubble-based cell isolation (Akadeum Bio), single cell Western blot technology from the Herr lab at UC Berkeley (Zephyrus Bio, now BioTechne), and clinical single cell genomic diagnostics for oncology/pathology.
Hyun is an angel investor/co-founder in several biotech startup companies, and currently sits on the Board of Mission Bio, Scribe Bio, Newbridge Media, Akadeum Biosciences, Fluent Bio and the Scientific Advisory Board of Fibralign Corporation, Intabio, and CellFe. Hyun is a venture partner at Genoa Ventures focused on early stage investments where biology meets technology. Hyun has current and past compensated consulting roles with ZEISS and CRI in the area of spectral microscopy, Becton Dickinson, Sony and Danaher Corporations in the area of flow cytometry and cell sorting, Bristol Meyer Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis/Regeneron in the area of high content screening. Past positions include investor/advisor to Accuri Cytometers, Vitra Biosciences, KAIROS, SEQ, True Materials, Biotrue, Symbiosis Biowares, and Unihart Biotech Pharma.
Hyun has authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications.