Research Summary
My research focuses on environmental factors that contribute to low birth weight and adverse perinatal outcomes, such as neonatal morbidity and mortality. My current research interests are to expand the evidence of an association between low birth weight and decreased anthropometric growth (primarily stunting and wasting) among children who are heavily exposed to particulate matter and carbon monoxide from solid-fuel cook stoves in lesser-developed countries.
My long-term goal is to examine other social, economic and institutional forces that drive environmental health disparities, both globally, and among Latino immigrant populations residing in urban California.
Research Funding
August 18, 2021 - May 31, 2026 - Combustion of plastic waste and human health effects in Guatemala , Principal Investigator . Sponsor: NIH, Sponsor Award ID: R01ES032009
August 15, 2015 - July 31, 2017 - Prenatal household air pollution exposure: gas stove and behavioral interventions , Principal Investigator . Sponsor: NIH, Sponsor Award ID: R21ES025032
Tulane University, BA, 06/84, Latin American Studies
San Francisco State University, BS/MS, 06/91, Nursing
San Francisco State University, FNP, 06/96, Family Nurse Practitioner
University of California, Berkeley, MS, 06/04, Environmental Health Sciences
University of California, Berkeley, PhD, 06/08, Environmental Health Sciences