The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) aims to find future research leaders to bring new ideas and new scientific discoveries to prostate cancer research through its Young Investigator Awards program.
Dr. Washington, an Assistant Professor in the Urology Department at UCSF, has received the 2024 PCF Young Investigator Award. This award will fund his research on prostate cancer with $75,000 each year for three years. The Young Investigator Program, started in 2007, recognizes early-career scientists whose work can lead to significant discoveries in clinical practice.
“Sam’s research will focus on identifying and addressing social factors that contribute to disparities in prostate cancer outcomes.” Said Taube Family Distinguished Professor and Chair of Urology Dr. Benjamin Breyer. “We are incredibly proud of Sam and the entire prostate cancer program which is doing transformative work to treat and cure this devastating disease.”
Previous studies have shown that non-medical issues, like housing instability, food insecurity, and transportation barriers, can affect treatment, but there is a lack of actionable data to help institutions and policymakers reduce these disparities. To tackle these social needs, Dr. Washington's research will explore several questions: Are there specific social issues that impact treatment the most? Do certain communities have greater social needs? What resources exist to support those in need, and are institution-based resources more effective than community ones? The hypothesis is that addressing social needs will improve clinical outcomes and reduce treatment disparities, especially for underserved men with prostate cancer.