Susana Ortiz-Urda, MD, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, UCSF
Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, UCSF
My lab has a broad expertise in human models of epithelial neoplasia and melanoma. Our goal is to characterize the function of a set of novel transcripts found in melanoma patient samples. We study cancer signaling in-depth to identify novel transcripts, their functions, and the factors that promote resistance to drugs and/or cancer progression via transcriptome (RNA-Seq) to capture the implicated coding and non-coding elements in this process. These findings might serve as key biomarkers and/or new targets for therapeutics in melanoma.
University of Vienna Medical School, M.D., 1998, Medicine
Rappersberger, University of Vienna, Ph.D, 1998, Biology
University of Vienna, Research Fellow, 1999, Dermatology
AKH Vienna, Research Resident, 2001, Dermatology
Stanford University, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2005, Epithelial Biology
The Brooklyn Hospital Center, NY, Internship, 2006, Medicine
Stanford University, Resident, 2010, Dermatology
University of California, San Francisco, Research Fellowship, 2010, Derm-Oncology
New York University, 2015, MBA