All media is sourced and approved by the UCSF Patient & Family Cancer Support Center.
Nutrition and Cancer Series
With Ayana Davis, MS, RD. This 3-part video series from the UCSF Oncology Nutrition Program provides helpful information on diet and lifestyle changes in the cancer journey.
With dietitian Anna Hom, MS, RD, CSO. This video includes management tips for overall fatigue.
With dietitian Greta Macaire, MA, RD, CSO. This video includes management tips for taste changes.
Nutrition Seminars
In this seminar we will define acute and chronic inflammation, examine the connection between inflammation and cancer and learn what constitutes an anti-inflammatory diet. We will also explore diet and lifestyle steps to prevent chronic inflammation and some recipes you can use to get started.
Superfoods are those whole foods that are superior sources of phytonutrients and essential nutrients that we need to thrive. In this seminar, you will learn our top choices for foods that may protect against cancer and promote overall wellness. You’ll learn practical tips and great tasting recipes that incorporate many of these superfoods so that you can get started right away.
Part of a four-class series for cancer patients and survivors, this workshop blends interactive nutrition education with cooking demonstrations and tastings, teaching participants how to transform fresh, whole foods into nourishing meals to support health.
Becoming Whole Series
This 10-part series explores different mechanisms to approaching the complexities of life following remission. This websinar will cover topics such as coping with anxiety, body image stress, grief and more. Click to view the entire series below or go to the playlist to see a full listing of each section.
Videos on YouTube
For videos on cancer screening, wellness, and the latest in research and treatment for specific cancers, please visit our YouTube channel.