
Cancer Center Research Programs & Research Leadership Transitions

Novel Structure Found in Tumor Cells May Open Door to New Kinds of Cancer Therapies

In 2015, researchers at UC San Francisco found a structure inside of tumor cells that biologists had never seen before. Even more surprising, a closer examination of the structure revealed that it contained signaling proteins known as receptor tyrosine kinases, or RTKs, which were thought to reside

Cancer Patients Lonely and Depressed During COVID

Loneliness and social isolation have been significant problems for the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic, but for cancer patients these issues were particularly acute, likely due to isolation and social distancing, according to a new UC San Francisco study. The study, which is the

Smart Cell Therapies for Solid Cancers Ready to Move Towards Clinical Trials

Immunotherapies that fight cancer have been a life-saving advancement for many patients, but the approach only works on a few types of malignancies, leaving few treatment options for most cancer patients with solid tumors. Now, in two related papers published April 28, 2021, in Science Translational

Three UCSF Faculty Elected to National Academy of Sciences in 2021

Three faculty members from UC San Francisco have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), one of the highest honors accorded to American scientists. Geeta Narlikar, PhD, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, PhD, and Holly Ingraham, PhD, were welcomed to the academy on April 26. Their election

First of Its Kind Study Links Wildfire Smoke to Skin Disease

Wildfire smoke can trigger a host of respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms, ranging from runny nose and cough to a potentially life-threatening heart attack or stroke. A new study suggests that the dangers posed by wildfire smoke may also extend to the largest organ in the human body, and our

New CRISPR Technology Offers Unrivaled Control of Epigenetic Inheritance

Scientists have figured out how to modify CRISPR’s basic architecture to extend its reach beyond the genome and into what’s known as the epigenome – proteins and small molecules that latch onto DNA and control when and where genes are switched on or off. In a paper published April 9, 2021, in the