GI Oncology Survivorship Patient Resources

survivorship wellnessSurvivorship Wellness

Survivorship Wellness is NEW, 8-week clinical program focused on helping survivors of cancer learn about, set goals, and practice skills to optimize their health and wellness after cancer treatment. In this group program, you will have the opportunity to learn from and practice with our cancer center dieticians, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, health coaches, and exercise counselors to set goals around nutrition, physical activity, managing stress, sleeping well, and promoting sexual, emotional, and spiritual wellness after cancer treatment.

Patients who have completed active treatment for cancer at UCSF are eligible to participate. Please call 415-353-3931 to learn more or to register for this program.

Colorectal Cancer Support Group

The Colorectal Cancer Support Group is open to patients and their partners. Vittorio Comelli, a psychologist, facilitates this group and supports patients to share their experiences. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at the Mount Zion Campus. Please contact Vittorio Comelli, PsyD, (415) 476-0468.

View a full list of cancer support groups at UCSF.


GI Oncology Survivorship Program Overview 

Research in GI Oncology Survivorship