Mount Zion - 2340 Sutter Labs

The following faculty and cores have lab space in the Mount Zion Cancer Research Building. (Note: some faculty with lab space in this building have academic offices elsewhere.)

Lab/ Principal Investigator Contact/ Lab Manager Home Department Location

Abuabara, Katrina
[profile | lab website]

Ernesto Llamado Dermatology N-412

Akil, Omar

Omar Akil OHNS N-331

Arron, Sarah
[profile | lab website]

  Dermatology N-431

Barcellos-Hoff, Mary Helen
[profile | lab website]

Wiliam Chou

Radiation Oncology


Bastian, Boris
[profile | lab website]

Jie Hou or Katrina Ragaza Pathology (Derm) S-151

Betancur, Paola
[profile | lab website]

Chananat Klomsiri Radiation Oncology S-371

Campbell, Michael

  Surgery N-361

Cho, Ray

  Dermatology S-431

Cleaver, James

  Dermatology N-424

Coppe, Jean-Philippe

  Laboratory Medicine S-441

Diederich, Chris

  Radiation Oncology S-341

Donner, David

David Donner  Surgery N-231

El-Sayed, Ivan

Ivan El-Sayed OHNS N-331

Gerona, Roy
[profile | lab website]

Andrew Reckers ObGyn S-271

Jablons, David
[profile | lab website]

Vivianne Ding Surgery N-261

Jan, Taha
[profile | lab website]

  OHNS N-331

Jordan, Richard

Sandy Devries Radiation Oncology/NRG S-341

Kratz, Johannes
[profile | lab website]

  Surgery N-219

Lemjabbar-Alaoui, Hassan
[profile | lab website]

Vivianne Ding Surgery N-231

Liao, Wilson
[profile | lab website]

  Dermatology N-431

Maibach, Howard

Xiaoying Hui Dermatology N-461

Mann, Michael
[profile | lab website]

  Surgery S-271

Murnane, John

John Murnane Radiation Oncology S-371

Naik, Haley

  Dermatology S-429

Nakakura, Eric
[profile | lab website]

  Surgery (General) N-231

Ortiz, Susana
[profile | lab website]

  Dermatology N-461

Park, Cathy
[profile | lab website]

Hui Zhang Radiation Oncology S-371

Park, John

  Medicine-Hem Onc S-471

Shain, Hunter
[profile | lab website]

  Dermatology N-431

Shen, Wen

Kalpana Harish Surgery (Endocrine) N-231

Timmerman, Luika
[profile | lab website]

Luika Timmerman HDFCCC N-361

Tolani, Bhairavi

  Surgery N-261

Van Ziffle, Jessica

Jie Hou or Eunice Wan Pathology S-151

Van't Veer, Laura

Lamorna Brown-Swigart Laboratory Medicine S-441

Warren, Robert
[profile | lab website]

David Donner Surgery N-231
Core Resource Contact Person Home Department Location

Genome/ LCA

Emanuela Zacco HDFCCC S-171

Computational Biology

Ritu Roy HDFCCC N-146


Jennifer Bolen or Tasha Lea HDFCCC S-241

Updated 11/2/2020