
Breast Cancer Follow-Up Imaging Varies Widely, Study Finds

Follow-up imaging for women with non-metastatic breast cancer varies widely across the country, according to a new study led by researchers at UC San Francisco. Some patients go without the annual mammograms that experts recommend, while others with the same cancer diagnosis receive full-body scans

Investigator Celebrates Collaboration and the 'X' in Cancer Research at UCSF

Successful cancer centers like the HDFCCC place a premium on interdisciplinary collaboration. With labs, clinics and offices spread among three UCSF campuses, leadership and members continually devise ways to overcome the geographic separation. Jeroen Roose, co-leads the Parnassus Cancer Research

T Cell Engineering Breakthrough Sidesteps Need for Viruses in Gene-Editing

In an achievement that has significant implications for research, medicine, and industry, UC San Francisco scientists have genetically reprogrammed the human immune cells known as T cells without using viruses to insert DNA. The researchers said they expect their technique—a rapid, versatile, and

Deadly Form of Advanced Prostate Cancer Is Common, Calls for Distinct Treatment

A new study of prostate cancer in 202 men, whose cancers had spread and were resistant to standard treatment, found that a surprisingly large number of these cancers – about 17 percent – belong to a deadlier subtype of metastatic prostate cancer. Previously, it was thought that these cancers

Evolution of Melanoma Reveals Opportunities for Intervention

UC San Francisco researchers have identified the sequence of genetic changes that transform benign moles to into malignant skin cancer and have used CRISPR gene editing to recreate the steps of melanoma evolution one by one in normal human skin cells in the lab. The research identified key molecular

Staying Safe in the Sun - A Dermatologist Helps Separate Facts from Hype

​Skin cancer is the number-one cancer diagnosis in the United States – it’s more common than breast, prostate, and lung cancers combined. Skin cancers can be divided into two types – nonmelanoma (basal and squamous cell carcinomas) and melanoma, with melanoma being the least common but most life

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals Celebrate Top-Tier 2018-19 Rankings

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals rank among the nation’s top-tier pediatric medical centers, according to U.S. News & World Report’s annual survey for 2018-19. In the Best Children’s Hospitals rankings, released on June 26, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals’ campuses in Oakland and San Francisco