Our Investigators
Bridget Keenan, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Cancer Immunotherapy Clinic
Assistant Professor, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Medical Oncologist, UCSF Medical Center
David Y. Oh, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor In Residence, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Medical Oncologist, Cancer Immunotherapy Program, UCSF
Peter Sayre, MD, PhD
Site Co-Leader, Cancer Immunotherapy Program
Blood disorder specialist, UCSF Medical Center

Faculty of the Cancer Immunotherapy Program (left to right): Bridget Keenan, MD, PhD, David Oh, MD, PhD, Lawrence Fong, MD, and Peter Sayre MD, PhD.
Dr. Bridget Keenan discusses tumor immunology and immunotherapy for colorectal cancer.
Dr. Lawrence Fong: Immuntherapy and Prostate Cancer
While much has been accomplished in recent years to better understand the role of the immune system in fighting cancer, there remains much more work to be done. Both laboratory and clinical research have allowed us to gain a more in-depth understanding of the way that cancer cells evade the immune system, thereby allowing us to develop new drugs to target these pathways. Historically, cancer researchers and clinicians have focused on studying a specific type of cancer. It is now clear, however, that by better understanding the immune system as a whole, it may be possible to find treatments that are not specific to just one type of cancer, but that could potentially treat all cancers.