
Cancer screenings help save lives! Ask your doctor/health care provider about preventive care and cancer screenings. Encourage your loved ones to ask.
Wilma Batiste is chair of the Faith Communities Committee (FCC) and the Abundant Life Health Ministries Network. She is a member of Neighborhood Baptist Church in San Francisco and the Health Ministry Coordinator. She has been a member of the FCC since 2006.
Marion Harris, RN, BSN, MSN, M.Ed, FCN is co-chair of the Faith Communities Committee and the Abundant Life Health Ministries Network. She is a member of Glad Tidings International Church of God in Christ in Hayward and the Health & Wellness Ministry Director of the Northern California Metropolitan Jurisdiction. She has been a member of the FCC since 2006.
Ka’Ryn Holder Jackson, PhD is co-chair of the Faith Communities Committee and the Abundant Life Health Ministries Network. She is a member of Providence Baptist Church in San Francisco and a teacher and mentor in the youth department. She has been a member of the FCC since 2006.