Grant Writing Resources

UCSF Cancer Even the most seasoned researchers can use help with grant writing. See below for helpful links.

F grant writing workshop

F Grant Writing Workshop - Applications Now Open

Open to graduate students and postdocs. The next course will begin in September of 2024. 

Course Description

This workshop meets 1 - 2 times a month for approximately 2 hours, between September and March. We will review the "score-driving" sections of the F grant, create drafts, and receive feedback. The goal is to have a complete grant application for the April 2025 due date. Sessions will cover the following:

  • September 26:
    • 11:30 am - 12 pm: Orientation
    • 12 pm - 1 pm: Introduction to F Grants
  • October 10, 11 am - 12 pm: Specific Aims & Scoring Criteria
  • October 31, 10 am - 11 am: Small group discussion & review of specific aims drafts
  • November: Research Strategy 1 & 2 (2 meetings) - TBD
  • December 17:
    • 11am - 12pm: Applicant's Background and Goals for Training
    • 12pm - 1pm: Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training, and Rational for Selecting Sponsor and Institution
  • January: Biosketch/Personal Statement - TBD
  • March: Faculty Review of the full draft

The workshop will also have a panel of former F Grant Awardees and an opportunity to ask questions of a representative from the UCSF Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) - the people who help you with the pre-award application process.

Participants need their mentor's approval and they need to identify one additional faculty member to review their research strategy section. See participant requirements for more information.


Participant Requirements
  • You have chosen your research mentor.
  • Your mentor agrees to review your drafts plus 1 complete grant application draft for one of your fellow participants (review occurs in March 2025).
  • Your mentor provides a letter or email approving your participation, agreeing to review your drafts, and agreeing to review 1 complete draft for one of your fellow participants.
  • You identify 1 faculty member other than your mentor to provide feedback on your research strategy section. It is strongly recommended that this person be someone within your field.
  • This additional faculty member also provides a letter or email agreeing to review your research strategy section.
  • Agree to attend lectures, especially the specific aims and research strategy sessions in October and November. If you have a conflict with the October and November sessions, please contact Jennifer Seuferer for guidance.
  • Agree to provide some peer reviews for your fellow participants.

Email Jennifer Seuferer for questions.


CARE Program

Career Development Grant Writing Course

Open to hem/onc, rad onc and peds onc fellows. Email Jennifer Seuferer for information on eligibility and how to apply.


This is a six-week summer workshop aimed at introducing grant writing. At the end of course, fellows will have a developed and peer-reviewed career development award application. The workshop will be conducted on-line and will have a combination of live and recorded video lectures in addition to live small group workshop sessions. The timeline of the course is oriented to facilitate ASCO YIA applications due in the fall.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the elements of successful grant writing including: using clear and concise prose, engaging reviewers, highlighting your specific aims, crafting a clear analysis plan, and how the peer review process influences successful or unsuccessful applications
  • Apply successful grant writing best practices (as described above) to your grant application
  • Develop your grant ideas using faculty and peer feedback

Date (2-Hour Sessions)


6/21/24 - IN-PERSON (Mission Bay) - 10am-12pm

Session 1: Introduction to Grant Writing and Grant Writing Pearls/How to Get the Reviewer on Your Side - Breakfast provided

7/12/24 - online - 10am-12pm

Session 2: How to Write a Specific Aims Page

7/26/24 - online - 10am-12pm

Session 3: Research Strategy

8/16/24 - online - 10am-12pm

Session 4: Follow-up Research Plan Edits and Mentorship Plan/Letters of Support, patient advocate

8/23/24 - online - 10am - 12pm

Session 5: Biosketch/Personal Statement

9/6/24 - online - 10am - 12pm

Session 6: Final draft/YIA Peer Review


Other Grant Writing Resources

CARE (Cancer Application REview)

Click here for more information on the CARE Program.

T32 Grant Writing Resources

Templates for the Responsible Conduct of Research, Methods in Enhancing Reproducibility and a descriptions of the training available to cancer center trainees. Email [email protected] if you would like to use one.

RDO's Training Tracking Program

CTSI T32 Grant Writing Resources

T32 Grant Proposal Library (log in to MyAccess)