Faculty Resources

CARE Grant Review Program


The Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (HDFCCC) Office of Education and Training’s (OET) Cancer Application REview (CARE) Program provides HDFCCC faculty with grant review for any multi-year, independent grant (i.e., no mentored career development awards). CARE is intended to be a resource for HDFCCC faculty who are not in the Department of Medicine, as DOM members have access to the PREPARE Program. CARE participants have 2 options from which to choose when accepted into the program:

  1. Submit Specific Aims for review. Depending on the feedback received, participants can either stop here or go on to submit the full proposal a couple of weeks later
  2. Submit a complete draft grant proposal (including Specific aims) at one time


Applicant Eligibility:

  • HDFCCC full or associate member
  • NOT in Department of Medicine (DOM members eligible for PREPARE Program)
  • Submitting a multi-year, independent, cancer research grant
  • Applicants must agree to have their own mentor review their grant (including Specific Aims) prior to submitting it to the CARE Program.
    • If applicants do not have a mentor, there is the option to secure a career mentor through the HDFCCC Office of Education and Training (OET)  LEAP Early Career Faculty Mentor Program. The LEAP mentor can then review their draft for CARE.
  • Applicants must suggest 2-3 potential reviewers as part of the CARE application



Specific Aims First Reviews:

  • Apply at least 8 weeks before the due date
  • Send specific aims at least 6 weeks before the due date
  • Send full draft at least 1 week before review meeting
  • Reviewers will provide written comments via email on specific aims
  • Participant will have 1 week after receiving their specific aims comments to decide if they want to go forward with a CARE review of their full draft.
  • If they decide to go forward, their full draft is due 1 week before their scheduled review meeting (OET will schedule this meeting when they are accepted into the Program and their reviewers are confirmed. If you opt to not do the full draft review, the meeting will be cancelled)
  • The review meeting will be 3-4 weeks before their due date

Full Draft Review:

  • Apply at least 6 weeks before due date
  • Full draft due at least 4 weeks before and no later than 1 week before scheduled review meeting (OET will schedule the meeting when they are accepted into the Program and reviewers are confirmed).
  • The review meeting will be 3-4 weeks before their due date


Example: Oct. 5 due date

  • No later than Aug 10 (8 weeks before due date) – application due for specific aims 1st review
  • Aug 17 (7 weeks before due date) - specific aims due
  • Between Aug 17 - 24 – receive written review of specific aims via email
  • By Aug 31 (5 weeks before due date) – decide if going forward with full draft review
  • Sept 7 (4 weeks before due date) – full draft due
  • Between Sept. 7 - 21 (2-4 weeks before due date)– review meeting
  • Oct 5 – application due



  • Reviewers receive a $200 stipend for reviewing specific aims only. If they go on to review a full draft for the same participant, they will receive an additional $300.
  • Reviewers who review a full draft (specific aims & rest of grant at same time) receive $500
  • Must agree to provide written comments via email for specific aims reviews
  • Must agree to attend 1, one-hour meeting with CARE participant
Questions? Email Jennifer Seuferer
LEAP Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program

The goal of LEAP (Leveraging Expertise to Advance our Professionals/Professors) is to provide career mentoring to early career faculty who do not receive it elsewhere (departments, divisions, etc.).

Program Overview:

  • Mentees/Mentors meet 2 - 4 times per year for at least 2 - 3 years
  • Mentees will complete an Individual Development Plan to review with mentors
  • Mentors will only be assigned one mentee at a time

Mentee Eligibility

  • Assistant or Associate Professor Level
  • Associate or Full HDFCCC Members 

Mentor Eligibility

  • Associate or Full Professor Level
  • Full or Associate HDFCCC Members

Mentee Roles and Responsibilities

  • Arrange meetings at least 2x/year
  • Send updated CV to mentor 1 week before meeting
  • Send mentor completed Individual Development Plan (IDP)
  • Know where you are in promotion/merit cycle
  • Write 3 short and 3 long term professional goals to discuss at mentor meeting
  • Participate in faculty development opportunities

Mentor Roles and Responsibilities

  • Clarify mentee & mentor expectations
  • Provide guidance if conflicts/issues arise
  • Provide overall career guidance
  • Review relevant material for meetings (CV, IDPs, promotion packet, etc.)
  • Be familiar with advancement and promotion policies for your mentee’s series/rank
  • Help mentees set appropriate goals
  • Ensure scholarly activities, service, education/mentoring, meeting attendance appropriate for career goals and academic track

To Apply:

Click here to apply.

Questions? Email Jennifer Seuferer

Campus Resources for Faculty
Professional Associations Career Development Opportunities