
HDFCCC Pledges Funds for Bold, Provocative Ideas

Cancer Center leadership is calling on members to submit their boldest ideas for future research projects and collaborations that will drive funding priorities and scientific emphasis over the coming decade. "Any one of our members or teams can lead the center in a new direction, and in turn, do the

Engineered Cells Successfully Treat Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease

Scientists at UC San Francisco have shown that gene-edited cellular therapeutics can be used to successfully treat cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, potentially paving the way for developing less expensive cellular therapies to treat diseases for which there are currently few viable options

Beyond CAR-T: New Frontiers in Living Cell Therapies

Our cells have abilities that go far beyond the fastest, smartest computer. They generate mechanical forces to propel themselves around the body and sense their local surroundings through a myriad of channels, constantly recalibrating their actions. The idea of using cells as medicine emerged with

An MD/PhD Collaboration to Apply Hyperpolarized 13 C Metabolic MRI for Assessing Renal Tumor Aggressiveness in Patients

Jane Wang, MD and Peder Larson, PhD, faculty members in the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging are collaborating on a project applying hyperpolarized (HP) carbon 13 (13C) metabolic MRI in patients with renal tumors. The overall goal of their study is to improve risk

Targeted Therapy for ‘Undruggable’ Lung Cancer Stems from Decades of UCSF Research

Over the past two decades, targeted cancer therapies have changed the prognosis for thousands of patients. By targeting the specific genetic mutation behind a patient’s cancer, these therapies have enabled increasing numbers of patients to experience fewer toxic side effects and, often, live free of

Next-Generation T-Cell Therapeutics Set Sights on Cancers, Autoimmune Disorders and More

T cells – immune cells that patrol our bodies in search of trouble – have become a central focus for UC San Francisco scientists working on living cell therapies, an approach that views cells themselves as a form of medicine. “From my perspective there’s no more important system in the body than the

Examining Leukemia Risks Among Children with Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic conditions in the U.S. and Canada. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the U.S. each year. When compared with the general population, children born with Down syndrome have