
Joining Forces to Fight Pancreatic Cancer

Although it doesn’t tend to get as much media attention as other diseases, pancreatic cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer-related deaths and is on track to become the second most fatal cancer by 2030. It is one of the few cancers that’s becoming more common, and those who are affected have a

Renowned Hematology-Oncology Specialist to Lead UCSF Health’s Hematology-Oncology Program

UC San Francisco’s Division of Hematology-Oncology is welcoming Krishna Komanduri, MD, as division chief of Hematology-Oncology at UCSF Health. Komanduri is an international leader in the fields of hematology-oncology, transplantation, and cellular immunotherapy. He will start at UCSF on July 1. In

Valerie Weaver: A Transdisciplinary Scientist Chasing Hard Questions

In her 23 years as a scientist, Valerie M. Weaver, PhD, has overcome countless challenges – lack of funding, dismissive colleagues, and breaking ground in a new field. Recognized for her contributions, Weaver continues to show the scientific community a thing or two. In late 2021, Weaver, professor

Nutrition Counseling Program Turns 20!

This January, the UCSF Cancer Center’s Outpatient Nutrition Counseling program celebrated its 20th anniversary. This landmark anniversary is a great opportunity to look back at the origins of the Nutrition Counseling Program which presently consists of Greta Macaire, RD, MA; Anna Hom, RD, MS; Neha

Seven Cancer Research Projects Funded in Fall 2021 RAP Cycle

Seven investigators and teams were awarded grants in support of cancer research projects in the fall 2021 cycle of the UCSF Resource Allocation Program (RAP). Funded by various agencies across UCSF, the awards span a range of topics from exploring imaging techniques to piloting screening

Treating Tough Tumors by Exploiting Their Iron ‘Addiction’

Researchers at UC San Francisco have successfully leveraged an FDA-approved drug to halt growth of tumors driven by mutations in the RAS gene, which are famously difficult to treat and account for about one in four cancer deaths. Taking advantage of what they discovered to be the cancer cells’

Solving the Mystery of a Stubborn – and Common – Cancer Gene

One of the major successes of decades of cancer research has been the development of drugs that specifically inactivate oncogenes, genes that function abnormally, causing cells to behave erratically, become malignant and make tumors. These drugs are highly effective treatments for cancers caused by